Domain question

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by Luka, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. Hi, i have a question, I'm totally new to web hosting, so I just want to ask smething. I have bought a domain, and currently i have a web site there, but I want to shut it down. What happens with that domain then?

    I'm using this domain for some projects for school, so in next few months I won't be needing it, so I'd like to shut it down so I wouldn't have to pay for it. But I wonder, next time, I want to host another site under the same domain, is it possible then to use the same domain i'm using now, or i'll have to buy another one?
  2. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    If you paid for the domain, then it should be yours. But you have to check with the people you used to register the domain. You should get the domain management information so you can manage the domain or move the domain to another domain registrar. If you want to continue to own the domain, then you have to make sure that you continue to pay for the domain renewal fees.
  3. Net. winhost for

    We paid for the domain to work on our college projects (a group of 4 students). So how do I get the domain management information now? And how can I become the only owner of the domain (it's been 2 years since our last activity)?
    Can I simply pay the domain renewal fee and activate it again?
  4. curtis

    curtis Winhost Staff

    If you are a hosting customer of winhost, then contact our billing team and they can discuss your needs.
    If you are not a hosting customer of winhost, then you can try to contact your domain registrar - the company you used to register the domain and ask them about what you want to accomplish.

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