Domain pointer email aliases

Discussion in 'Pre-sales questions' started by Sam Hobbs, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. I have been using GoDaddy but I am frustrated with various issues including support of programming questions. I have done much searching and there are not very many Windows hosting companies that seem technically capable enough. WinHost is the only one I have found other than Azure. One problem with Azure is that they don't provide email services, at least not for shared plans.

    I have a few domains (currently in GoDaddy) and intend to add more. I have email accounts for two of the domains and need to add email accounts for more domains.

    While researching to determine if WinHost can satisfy my requirements I see Domain pointer email aliases and if I understand that then that is a major disappointment. I need to be able to receive and send email for multiple accounts for multiple domains. Hopefully I misunderstand the KB article but if I understand then WinHost certainly cannot satisfy my email requirements. If WinHost cannot satisfy my email requirements then the only advantage that WinHost has is the ability to have adult content and for that I might have to use a separate Linux based hosting service.

    Domain pointers are an extra technical layer but I like that. I understand that having access to that can be an advantage. In GoDaddy however I can have multiple domains and each domain can have multiple email accounts that are real email accounts that I can send from and receive to. Is my understanding correct that WinHost cannot provide that using a single hosting account?
  2. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Yes, that is correct. You can't use a single hosting account (plan).

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