Certificate error in IE 7

Discussion in 'General troubleshooting' started by static1953, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. I'm using IIS 7 Manager to configure SSL/URL Rewrite to a subdirectory on my site.

    While testing the configuration to the directory the address bar turn "Red" and displays a "Certificate error" to the right of the address bar.

    I have set the "SSL Settings" for
    • Require SSL
    • Require 128-bit SSL
    • Client certificates: Ignore
    What is causing the browser to display this error?

    My URL rewrite rules are as follows:

    <rule name="RequiresSSL-Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
    <match url="Sponsors/.+" />
    <add input="{HTTP}" pattern="http://www.equal-time.com/Sponsors" />
    <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="https://www.equal-time.com/Sponsors" />
    <action type="Redirect" url="https://www.equal-time.com/Sponsors" appendQueryString="false" />
  2. Ray


    You have the common name set for equal-time.com. So if you type https://www.equal-time.com the browser will display a warning that states the URL being used to pull up the site in SSL does not match the common name on the certificate. If you use https://equal-time.com it will not display the error.
  3. So I set the Common name incorrectly when generating my CSR, would I have to apply again or how can I rectify this so I can type www.equal-time.com, and not receive the error?
  4. Ray


    You're going to have to generate the CSR again. This time make sure you type the correct common name. Give it to your SSL Provider and ask them to re-key it. You'll have to check with them if they can do it for you for free or if there is some kind of service charge with it.
  5. Thanks Ray, will do.

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