Hi, I have a current subscription to Winhost. Last year on 18, June 2013, I became a Winhost subscriptor. I owned a previous domain (ferumeba.com) and when I bought my 1-year subscription (here at Winhost) over the next days everything worked excellent. I had no problems accessing my website now from Winhost. On the other hand, some days ago (now in 2014), I began having errors when accessing my site. To my astonishment I checked the domain's ownership and found out that it was freely available (it did not belong to me anymore!!!). So I decided to buy it one more time (today Jan 18, 2014) here at Winhost. NOTE: I verified that the transaction was ok, since it now appears in Home/Domains List in Domains registered through Winhost. Question: -Shouldn't my previous sites come out live as they were, just by re-activating the domain? (in this case ferumeba.com)? -Am I missing something (some step)? Am I doing something wrong? -Can someone help me with this? Thanks for your help, Ferumeba
Looks like this was cleared up. It was the result of some new domain registration rules. Unfortunately, we're probably going to be seeing a lot of this.