ASP session variable help?!

Discussion in 'Site Programming, Development and Design' started by tpaddock, May 23, 2011.

  1. Hello
    I am trying to pass a variable from one ASP page to another and am having difficulties. I do not know what I need to do to pass the field rs.Fields("ContactEmail"), referenced below, to the next page using either a session varible or a QueryString...
    I have attached some of the code so that you can take a look at it. Any suggestions would be greatly apprieciated!

    <% Option Explicit %>

    Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conn.Open connString

    Dim sql, rs

    Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Dim tenantContact
    tenantContact = ""
    If Request.Form("refresh") = "1" Then
    If Request.Form("newTenant") <> "0" Then
    Dim newTenantID
    newTenantID = Request.Form("newTenant")
    sql = "SELECT * FROM TblTenantContact WHERE TenantID = " & newTenantID
    rs.Open sql, conn
    If Not rs.EOF Then
    Do Until rs.EOF
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<table width='300' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<tr><td width='100'>Name:</td>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<td width='200'>" & rs.Fields("ContactName") & "</td></tr>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<tr><td>Position:</td><td>" & rs.Fields("ContactPosition") & "</td></tr>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<tr><td>Phone:</td><td>" & rs.Fields("ContactPhone") & "</td></tr>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<tr><td>E-mail:</td><td>" & rs.Fields("ContactEmail") & "</td></tr>"
    End If
    End If
    End If

    Dim jID, tID
    jID = Request.QueryString("jID")
    tID = Request.QueryString("tID")
    If Not IsNull(tID) And tID <> "" Then
    sql = "SELECT * FROM TblTenantContact WHERE TenantID = " & tID
    rs.Open sql, conn
    If Not rs.EOF Then
    Do Until rs.EOF
    & "<tr><td>E-mail:</td><td>" & rs.Fields("ContactEmail") & "</td></tr>"
    tenantContact = tenantContact & "<tr><td colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>"
    End If
    End If
    <form action="ServiceRequestAdd.asp" method="post" name="AddSRForm">
    <input type="hidden" name="refresh" value="0" />
    <input type="hidden" name="newTenant" value="0">
    **If a insert a non variable as the value the passing of the variable works fine** <input type="hidden" name="ContactEmail" value="???????">
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%">
    <td>Job Site: <span style="color:red">*</span></td>
    <td><select name="selJobSite" onchange="showTenant(this.value)"><option value="0">Select Job Site</option>
    <td>Tenant: <span style="color:red">*</span></td>
    If Session.Contents("JobSite") <> "" Or jID <> "" Then
    <select name="selTenant" onchange="getContact(this.form, this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
    <option value="0">Select Tenant</option>
    If Session.Contents("JobSite") <> "" Then
    sql = "SELECT * FROM TblTenant WHERE JobSiteID = " & CInt(Session.Contents("JobSite"))
    sql = "SELECT * FROM TblTenant WHERE JobSiteID = " & CInt(jID)
    End If
    rs.Open sql, conn
    If Not rs.EOF Then
    Do Until rs.EOF
    If CInt(rs.Fields("TenantID")) = CInt(Session.Contents("Tenant")) Or CInt(tID) = CInt(rs.Fields("TenantID")) Then
    <option value="<%=rs.Fields("TenantID")%>" selected><%=rs.Fields("TenantName")%></option>
    <% Else %>
    <option value="<%=rs.Fields("TenantID")%>"><%=rs.Fields("TenantName")%></option>
    <% End If %>
    End If

    <th colspan="2" align="left"><b>Tenant's Contact Information:</b></th>
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set conn = Nothing

    Sub setSessionValues()
    Session.Contents("JobSite") = Request.Form("selJobSite")
    Session.Contents("Tenant") = Request.Form("selTenant")
    Session.Contents("RequestType") = Request.Form("selRequestType")
    Session.Contents("Problem") = Request.Form("selProblem")
    Session.Contents("Details") = Request.Form("txtDetails")
    Session.Contents("AssignedTo") = Request.Form("selAssignedTo")
    Session.Contents("TenantNote") = Request.Form("txtTenantNote")
    Session.Contents("ProgressNote") = Request.Form("txtProgressNote")
    Session.Contents("ContactEmail") = Request.Form("ContactEmail")

    End Sub
  2. Are you saying everything is ok with the exception of that field? What is the issue you are having? Error? Session just not appended?
  3. Everything else is working fine. The only problem is that I can not pass the Request.Form("ContactEmail") variable to the next page. I need to pass this variable to the next page because that page submits the variable to a database. Thanks!
  4. As I said in my first email... if I pass the valiable as a static value in a hidden input type the next page works fine... <input type="hidden" name="ContactEmail" value="THIS DATA GETS INSERTED INTO DB FINE">
    Thanks again for any insite!!
  5. Ray


    The form is a little confusing because it looks like you are doing multiple things in one form. First off it looks like you are capturing the data then hiding it in the same page and then looping through the process. It gets a little confusing. Rather try creating a small but simple test script and see if you can pass it to another simple test page. Use Response.Write to view if the objects are being passed correctly. From there increase the complexity of the test scrip and see where it maybe failing. It may take some extra work doing this but in the long run I think you may find that it avoids many headaches.
  6. Thanks Ray. I have done that with all other variables and the data has been sent successfully. This is the only variable that I cant seem to pass successfully? I do not know if I should try to past it as a session variable or a quarry string.
  7. Below is the code that I use in the following page. As you can see I am trying to use Session.Contents("ContactEmail") (Although unsuccessfully) to add the Service Request to the db.

    Dim sql, rs, rs2, srID
    Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conn.Open connString
    Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Dim selJobSite, selTenant, selRequestType, selProblem, txtDetails, selAssignedTo
    Dim txtTenantNote, txtProgressNote
    Dim chkSendContact, chkSendBO, chkSendAssigned, tenantEmail

    selJobSite = Request.Form("selJobSite")
    selTenant = Request.Form("selTenant")
    selRequestType = Request.Form("selRequestType")
    selProblem = Request.Form("selProblem")
    txtDetails = Request.Form("txtDetails")
    selAssignedTo = Request.Form("selAssignedTo")
    txtTenantNote = Request.Form("txtTenantNote")
    txtProgressNote = Request.Form("txtProgressNote")
    chkSendContact = Request.Form("chkSendContact")
    chkSendBO = Request.Form("chkSendBO")
    chkSendAssigned = Request.Form("chkSendAssigned")
    tenantEmail = Session.Contents("ContactEmail")

    'Add Service Request
    rs.Open "TblServiceRequest", conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
    rs.Fields("SRStatusID") = 1
    rs.Fields("JobSiteID") = selJobSite
    rs.Fields("TenantID") = selTenant
    rs.Fields("DateCreated") = Date()
    rs.Fields("TimeCreated") = Time()
    rs.Fields("CreatedBy") = Session.Contents("UserFullName")
    rs.Fields("SRRequestTypeID") = selRequestType
    rs.Fields("SRProblemID") = selProblem
    rs.Fields("Details") = txtDetails
    rs.Fields("ContactEmail") = tenantEmail
    If selAssignedTo <> "0" Then
    rs.Fields("AssignedTo") = selAssignedTo
    End If
    rs.Fields("TenantNote") = txtTenantNote
    rs.Fields("ProgressNote") = txtProgressNote
  8. All other variables are submitted successfully to the table "TblServiceRequest" but the ContactEmail field remains NULL.
  9. Ray


    As a test for now and providing that your database data type permits it, try inputting 'ContactEmail' as a straight string on your form. Instead of inputting ([email protected]) as an example try inputting just ( Lets see how this reacts. On the form page you may want to drop any validation for now.
  10. There seems to be no difference. Any additional suggestions from anyone?

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