another trying to point to

Discussion in 'DNS/Domain names' started by Nick P, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone,

    I emailed support and they promptly told me to message here for this issue. I've tried following the directions in other threads on this forum about how you can do a canonical domain name rule, set it to and be good to go. Unfortunately, this seems to cause a redirect loop, and results in a broken page. Is there some trick to this that isn't explained elsewhere?

    I'm using Wordpress, not sure if that has anything to do with the loop or not.

  2. I figured it out. Apparently it's all controlled through wordpress, and you just need to change the website values under its settings. WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).....wish I would have found that easy bit of info in all my digging, but hopefully this will help someone else.

    ComputerMan and Michael like this.
  3. Thanks for posting the fix, Nick P!

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