Hi guys, can anybody help me about this issue. I put my application on my winhost server. And when I start it, it has login page with routing. And I get 404 every time on this url http://justbroadcast.com/jb/Login/Index?ReturnUrl=/jb/ It appears that it's not routing url as it should. This is the first time I tried application on shared hosting, on local computers it's working great (tried win8.1, win10, server 2012...). If I remove login page, it's working. Does anybody know what could be a problem. Thanks, Ivan
Here are some links that might help: http://richarddingwall.name/2008/08/09/three-common-aspnet-mvc-url-routing-issues/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions...-to-handle-404-page-not-found-queries-for-asp https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6012481/why-am-i-getting-404-when-the-route-matches-asp-net-mvc https://stackoverflow.com/questions/705229/diagnosing-404-errors-on-iis-7-and-asp-net-mvc
I had this error when I tried to access my ashx resources. The issue was with the web.config. The declaration was missing in system.webServer.