Cannot upload my files to a browser.

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by Jose Pereira Jr, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. I created and developed a Bootstrap website that consists of 6 pages; however, while using the FileZilla client I was not able to upload the file(pages) even though I used the WinHost ip addres:, my domain. and the password. Please Advise. Jose Pereira Jr.
  2. You can't FTP files to the IP address.

    Use either as the hostname (replacing with your actual domain name), or the Secondary FTP address (which you can find in Control Panel).

    You might also want to check out our Knowledge Base article for setting up FileZilla.
    ComputerMan likes this.
  3. I have not been able to upload my Bootstrap files. Host: I entered ftp.domain etc. Port: 22 default. Username: I tried 2 input. 1. The username Winhost gave me which is all numbers. Then I entered the other username which is shorter than my domain. Password: I entered the password WinHost gave me which I also use the WinHost Control panel login. The ftp software failed to connect to my WinHost server when I first entered the numbered username that was supplied by WinHost. And then I switched to the other username and again the ftp software failed to connect to WinHost. I need help! Please advise. Jose Pereira Jr. Retired.
  4. You want to use the FTP username in Control Panel > Site Manager > Site Info > FTP Username.

    Filezilla should give you an error message when the connection fails, what does it say?
  5. Elshadriel

    Elshadriel Winhost Staff

    Make sure you are using port 21, not port 22.
    Michael likes this.

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